How To Protect Backups From Ransomware
11:03 am
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Traditional AVs are reactive, they are good at detecting know the best method for businesses to prevent ransomware from infecting backups is to use a 3-2-1 backup process, which involves regularly archiving data on disk with a copy kept offsite. However, even this best practice can still fall victim to ransomware. Despite how an organization may back up its files, they are only as protected as its weakest link.

Anti-ransomware works by using a technology called sandboxing to create a virtual environment where malware cannot continue to run once it enters this isolated area. Here, known ransomware samples can be allowed to run and will do so in a controlled manner without spreading out of the sandbox or encrypting any data. This allows for a thorough analysis of what exactly the ransomware is doing within an isolated environment, allowing the security team at your company to understand which files it wants to encrypt and how it operates.

When the analysis is complete, the ransomware is then stopped and prevented from encrypting any files or touching any important data. This is just one example of how anti-ransomware can protect you from being infected.


What are the techniques ransomware uses to infect computer backups?

Ransomware takes advantage of the fact that most users do not have their files backed up, so it encrypts backup files by default. Ransomware will also infect network shares and any other data resources that are accessible. The objective is to encrypt as much data as possible!


How does anti-ransomware protect you from false ransomware alerts?

ND malicious file samples, which allows for fast identification of false positives (alerts generated by legitimate software) or confirmed ransomware alerts. This false alert reduction provides your security team with more time to understand what real malware looks like and how to mitigate it before any damage can be done to your files.


Can ransomware delete backups?

ND does not delete files or clean up anything on disk, this ensures that ransomware will have nothing more than a false sense of security if it thinks it has removed any backups. ND will give time for its user to restore their critical data by leveraging our multiple layers solution.

Why is Bitdefender Ransomware Recognwn ransomware but cannot protect you from new strains because they don’t have any general rules to block this type of malware. Even if some claim to have “machine learning” capabilities, this concept refers to improving detection by learning from millions of existing samples instead of creating new rules based on every piece of ransomware spotted in the wild.

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